Identity for a startup specializing in location-based mobile advertising. Looking to avoid overt references to maps and location tracking, the team I worked on push for a fashion-oriented look that would help clearly differentiate them from their competitors. The creative direction involved the use of a bright color palette and imagery with lots of movement. Working with the creative and art directors, I was responsible for the design of the logo in addition to the creation of their general pitch deck. Other assets included the design of their reports, one pagers, case studies, and stylized audience icons.
Photos capturing some of the process of designing the Verve logo. The many rounds of iteration involved quickly hand sketching concepts and scanning the drawings into Illustrator for tweaking. I maintained a wall of sketches and printouts of logos in order to better understand and organize concepts I was visiting in each logo iteration.
After several workshops with Creative Directors and Designers, I was able to narrow down my logo concepts to just a handful. From there, more logos fell away as I tweaked them. The client was presented with a final logo that felt most appropriate. Based on their feedback, I worked on several rounds of editing the letterforms and the colors of the logo before arriving at the final version.
Color and Typography
Audience Icons
Icons of target audiences for use on Verve's website